Strong Motion Group Contributions (1976 – present)
15-01 | M. Ebrahimian, MD. Trifunac (2015). Calculating a building response at different levels from a single roof acceleogram. Report CE 15-01, Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (~47 Mb). |
13-01 | M. Ebrahimian, MD. Trifunac (2013). Fluctuations of system frequencies measured during ambient and hammer tests in Kaprielian Hall at the University of Southern California. Report CE 13-01, Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (~2 Mb). |
07-01 | M.D. Trifunac (Editor) (2007). Early history of the response spectrum method, a monograph featuring three articles, by M.Trifunac, N Biot and M.A. Biot, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the formulation of the concept of the response spectrum method. Report CE 07-01 Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (~2 Mb). |
06-01 | M.I. Todorovska and M.D. Trifunac (2006). Impulse response analysis of the Van Nuys 7-story hotel during 11 earthquakes (1971-1994): one-dimensional wave propagation and inferences on global and local reduction of stiffness due to earthquake damage, Report CE 06-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, pp. 61 (~2 Mb) |
07-02 | M.D. Trifunac, M.I. Todorovska, M.I. Manić, B.Đ. Bulajić (2007). Impulse response analysis of the Borik-2 13-story residential building in Banja Luka during 20 earthquakes (1974–1986), Report CE 07-02 Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, and Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS), University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia (~8.7 Mb). |
06-02 | V. Gicev and M.D. Trifunac (2006). Rotations in the transient response of nonlinear shear beam, Report CE 06-02, Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (~13 Mb) |
07-03 | M.D. Trifunac (2007). Recording strong earthquake motion – instruments, recording strategies and data processing, Report CE 07-03 Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (~1.4 Mb). |
04-01 | T-Y. Hao, M.D. Trifunac and M.I. Todorovska (2004). Instrumented buildings of University of Southern California Strong motion data, metadata and soil-structure system frequencies, Report CE 04-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
06-03 | V. Gicev and M.D. Trifunac (2006). Non-linear earthquake waves in seven-storey reinforced concrete hotel, Report CE 06-03, Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (~2 Mb) |
07-04 | M.D. Trifunac (2007). Selected notes on rotations in structural response, Report CE 07-04 Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (~4.2 Mb). |
03-01 | M.D. Trifunac & S.S. Ivanovic (2003). Analysis of drifts in a seven-story reinforced concrete structure. Report CE 03-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California (1.5 Mb). |
04-02 | M.I. Todorovska, T.-Y. Hao and M.D. Trifunac (2004). Building periods for use in earthquake resistant design codes – earthquake response data compilation and analysis of time and amplitude variations, Report CE 04-02, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Southern California. Appendix A, Appendix B. |
03-02 | M.I. Todorovska & T-Y. Hao (2003). Information granulation and dimensionality reduction of seismic vibration monitoring data using orthonormal discrete wavelet transform for possible application to data mining, Report CE 03-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California (~11 Mb). |
04-03 | M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (2004). A Study of the Relative Ranking of Twelve Faculty of the USC Civil Engineering Department – Experiments with Science Citation Index, Report CE 04-03, Dept. of Civil Eng. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. |
01-01 | M.D. Trifunac, A. Hayir & M.I. Todorovska (2001). Near-Field Tsunami Waveforms from Submarine Slumps and Slides. Report CE 01-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
04-04 | V.K. Gupta (2004). From seismic source to structural response: contributions of Professor Mihailo D. Trifunac, Report CE 04-04, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Southern California (~6 Mb) |
01-02 | M.D. Trifunac, T-Y. Hao & M.I. Todorovska (2001). Response of a 14-Story Reinforced Concrete Structure to Nine Earthquakes: 61 Years of Observation in the Hollywood Storage Building. Report CE 01-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
01-03 | M.D. Trifunac, T-Y. Hao & M.I. Todorovska (2001). On Energy Flow in Earthquake Response (22.7 Mb). Report CE 01-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
01-04 | C-H. Lin, V.W. Lee & M.D. Trifunac (2001). On the Reflection of Elastic Waves in a Poroelastic Half-space Saturated with Non-viscous Fluid. Report CE 01-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
01-05 | M.D. Trifunac & T-Y. Hao (2001). 7-Storey Reinforced Concrete Building in Van Nuys, California: Photographs of the Damage from the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Report CE 01-05, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
01-06 | M.D. Trifunac, A. Hayir & M.I. Todorovska (2001). Tsunami waveforms from submarine slides and slumps spreading in two dimensions (27.2 Mb), Report CE 01-06, Dept. of Civil Engr., Univ. of Southern California. |
01-07 | M.I. Todorovska (2001). Estimation of instantaneous frequency of signals using the continuous wavelet transform, Report CE 01-07, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ.of Southern California (0.85 Mb). |
99-03 | S.S. Ivanovic, M.D. Trifunac, E.I. Novikova, A.A. Gladkov & M.I. Todorovska (1999). Instrumented 7-Storey Reinforced Concrete Building in Van Nuys, California: Ambient Vibration Surveys Following the Damage from the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Report CE 99-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
99-02 | M.D. Trifunac, S.S. Ivanovic & M.I. Todorovska (1999). Instrumented 7-Storey Reinforced Concrete Building in Van Nuys, California: Description of Damage from the 1994 Northridge Earthquake and Strong Motion Data. Report CE 99-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. Also available in three parts: main (2.2 Mb, pp. 60), appendix 1 (3.7 Mb, pp. 37) & appendix 2 (2.5 Mb, pp. 31). |
99-01 | M.I. Todorovska, M.D. Trifunac, V.W. Lee, C.D. Stephens, K.A. Fogleman, C. Davis and R. Tognazzini (1999). The ML = 6.4 Northridge, California, Earthquake and Five M > 5 Aftershocks Between 17 January and 20 March 1994 – Summary of Processed Strong Motion Data. Report CE 99-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ.of Southern California. |
96-01 | I.D. Gupta and M.D. Trifunac (1996). Investigation of Nonstationarity in Stochastic Seismic Response of Structures. Report No. 96-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
95-08 | M.I. Todorovska, I.D. Gupta, V.K. Gupta, V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1995). Selected Topics in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis. Report No. 95-08, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
95-06 | M.I. Todorovska, E.I. Novikova, M.D. Trifuanc and S.S. Ivanovic (1995). Correction for Misalignment and Cross Axis Sensitivity of Strong Earthquake Motion Recorded by SMA-1 Accelerographs. Report No. 95-06, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 324. |
95-05 | S.S. Ivanovic and M.D. Trifunac (1995). Ambient Vibration Survey of Full Scale Structures Using Personal Computers (with examples in Kaprielian Hall). Report No. 95-05, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
95-04 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1995). Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectra of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion in California. Report No. 95-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
95-03 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1995). Frequency Dependent Attenuation Function and Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion in California. Report No. 95-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
95-02 | V.W. Lee, M.D. Trifunac, M.I. Todorovska and E.I. Novikova (1995). Empirical Equations Describing Attenuation of the Peaks of Strong Ground Motion, in terms of Magnitude, Distance, Path Effects and Site Conditions. Report No. 95-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
95-01 | E.I. Novikova and M.D. Trifunac (1995). Frequency Dependent Duration of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion: Updated Empirical Equations. Report No. 95-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California |
94-02 | M.D. Trifunac and M.I. Todorovska (1994). Broad Band Extension of Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectra of Strong Motion. Report No. 94-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
94-01 | E.I. Novikova and M.D. Trifunac (1994). Empirical Models of the Duration of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion Based on the Modified Mercalli Intensity. Report No. 94-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
93-10 | M.I. Todorovska and M.D. Trifunac (1993). The Effects of the Wave Passage on the Response of Base-Isolated Buildings on Rigid Embedded Foundations. Report No. 93-10, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 231. |
93-09 | E.I. Novikova, M.I. Todorovska and M.D. Trifunac (1993). A Preliminary Study of the Duration of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion on the Territory of Former Yugoslavia. Report No. 93-09, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
93-04 | A.R. Chandraskaran, J.D. Das, M.D. Trifunac, M.I. Todorovska and V.W. Lee (1993). Strong Earthquake Ground Motion Data in EQINFOS for India: Part 1B(9.5 Mb). Report No. 93-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp.90. |
93-03 | I.D. Gupta, V. Rambabu, R.G. Joshi, M.D. Trifunac, M.I. Todorovska and V.W. Lee (1993). Strong Earthquake Ground Motion Data in EQINFOS for India: Part 1A (5.6 Mb). Report No. 93-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp.60. |
93-02 | E.I. Novikova and M.D. Trifunac (1993). Duration of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion: Physical Basis and Empirical Equations. Report No. 93-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
93-01 | M.D. Trifunac (1993). Broad Band Extension of Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Strong Motion Acceleration. Report No. 93-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California (12.6 Mb). |
91-05 | L.R. Jordannovski, M.I. Todorovska and M.D. Trifunac (1991). A Model for Assessment of the Total Loss in a Building Exposed to Earthquake Hazard (4.0 Mb). Report No. 91-05, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California, pp. 40. |
91-02 | E.I. Novikova and M.D. Trifunac (1991). Instrument Correction for the Coupled Transducer-Galvanometer Systems. Report No. 91-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
91-01 | M.I. Todorovska and M.D. Trifunac (1991). Radiation Damping During Two-Dimensional Building-Soil Interaction. Report No. 91-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California, pp. 47. |
90-03 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1990). Automatic Digitization and Processing of Accelerograms Using PC. Report No. 90-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
90-03 | D. Nenov, G. Georgiev, I. Paskaleva, V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1990). Strong Earthquake Ground Motion Data in EQINFOS: Accelerograms Recorded in Bulgaria Between 1981 and 1987. Report No. CE 90-02, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Central Lab. for Seismic Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering (C.L.S.M.E.E.), Bulgaria, and Civil Engineering Department, University of Southern California (U.S.C.), Los Angeles, U.S.A. pp. 55. |
90-01 | M.I. Todorovska and M.D. Trifuanc (1990). Analytical Model for Building – Foundation – Soil Interaction: Incident P, SV and Rayleigh Waves. Report No. 90-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp.122. |
89-02 | V.K. Gupta and M.D. Trifunac (1989). Investigation of Building Response to Translational and Rotational Earthquake Excitations. Report No. 89-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
89-01 | M.D. Trifunac and M.I. Todorovska (1989). Methodology for Selection of Earthquake Design Motions for Important Engineering Structures. Report No. 89-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 168 |
88-03 | S. Kojic, M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1988). Earthquake Response of Arch Dams to Nonuniform Canyon Motion. Report No. 88-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
88-02 | M.I. Todorovska, M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1988). Investigation of Earthquake Response of Long Buildings. Report No. 88-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
88-01 | M.D. Trifunac, V.W. Lee, H. Cao and M.I. Todorovska (1988). Attenuation of Seismic Intensity in Balkan Countries (4.1 Mb). Report No. 88-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 53. |
87-06 | V.W. Lee (1987). Influence of Local Soil and Geologic Site Conditions on Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectrum Amplitudes of Recorded Strong Motion Accelerations. Report No. 87-06, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 273. |
87-05 | L.R. Jordanovski, V.W. Lee, M.I. Manic, T. Olumceva, C. Sinadinovski, M.I. Todorovska and M.D. Trifunac (1987). Strong Earthquake Ground Motion Data in EQINFOS: Yugoslavia, Part I. Report No. 87-05, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 387. |
87-04 | M.D. Trifunac (1987). Influence of Local Soil and Geologic Site Conditions on Fourier Spectrum Amplitudes of Recorded Strong Motion Accelerations. Report No. 87-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
87-03 | I.D. Gupta and M.D. Trifunac (1987). Statistical Analysis of Response Spectra Method in Earthquake Engineering. Report No. 87-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ.of Southern California. |
87-02 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1987). Microzonation of a Metropolitan Area (20.0 Mb). Report No. 87-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 143. |
87-01 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1987). Strong Earthquake Ground Motion Data in EQUINFOS: Part I. Report No. 87-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 399. |
86-05 | J.E. Luco, H.L. Wong and M.D. Trifunac (1986). Soil Structure Interaction Effects on Forced Vibration Tests (7.8 Mb). Report No. 86-05, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
86-04 | Kaazem Moslem and M.D. Trifunac (1986). Effects of Soil Structure Interaction on the Response of Buildings During Strong Earthquake Ground Motions. Report No. 86-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 151. |
86-03 | N. Moeen-Vaziri and M.D. Trifunac (1986). Investigation of Scattering and Diffraction of Plane Seismic Waves Through Two-Dimensional Inhomogeneities. Report No. 86-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 252. |
86-02 | Ifa Kashefi and M.D. Trifunac (1986). Investigation of Earthquake Response of Simple Bridge Structures. Report No. 86-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 360. |
86-01 | L.R. Jordanovski, M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1986). Investigation of Numerical Methods in Inversion of Earthquake Source Mechanism. Report No. 86-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 259. |
85-05 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1985). Uniform Risk Spectra of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion (9.4 Mb). Report No. 85-05, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 122. |
85-04 | M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1985). Preliminary Empirical Models for Scaling Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectra of Strong Earthquake Acceleration, in Terms of Magnitude, Distance, Site Intensity and Recording Site Conditions. Report No. 85-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 150. |
85-03 | M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1985). Preliminary Empirical Model for Scaling Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Strong Ground Acceleration in Terms of Earthquake Magnitude Source to Station Distance, Site Intensity and Recording Site Conditions (5.4 Mb). Report No. 85-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 86. |
85-02 | M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1985). Frequency Dependent Attenuation of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion. (4.7 Mb) Report No. 85-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 70. |
85-01 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1985). Attenuation of Modified Mercalli Intensity for Small Epicentral Distance in California. Report No. 85-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 21. |
84-02 | S. Kojic, M.D. Trifunac and J.C. Anderson (1984). A Post Earthquake Response Analysis of the Imperial County Services Building (11.0 Mb). Report No. 84-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 154. |
84-01 | Current Developments in Data Processing of Strong Motion Accelerograms. Report No. 84-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ.of Southern California. pp. 99. |
D.E. Hudson (Editor) (1983). Proceedings of the Golden Anniversary Workshop on Strong Motion Seismometry, March 30-31, 1983, University of Southern California (32 Mb). | |
83-03 | A. Amini and M.D. Trifunac (1983). Analysis of a Feedback Transducer (2.5 Mb). Report No. 83-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 59. |
83-02 | A. Amini (1983). Investigation of Response to Earthquake Excitation: a Statistical Basis for Spectrum Superposition. Report No. 83-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
82-01 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1982). EQUINFOS (The Strong-Motion Earthquake Data Information System) (6.9 Mb). Report No. 82-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 52. |
81-04 | J.G. Anderson, M.D. Trifunac, T.L. Teng, A. Amini, K. Moslem (1981). Los Angeles Vicinity Strong Motion Accelerograph Network. Report No. 81-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 79. |
80-06 | M. Dravinski (1980). Scattering of Elastic Waves by an Alluvial Valley of Arbitrary Shape (4.6 Mb). Report No. 80-06, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
80-02 | M. Dravinski, M.D. Trifunac and B. Westermo (1980). Ratios of Uniform Risk Spectra for Different Probabilities of Exceedance and for Shallow, Random Seismicity Surrounding the Site (3.8 Mb). Report No. 80-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 59. |
80-01 | B.D. Westermo, J.G. Anderson, M.D. Trifunac and M. Dravinski (1980). Seismic Risk Tables for Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectra in Regions with Shallow Seismicity. Report No. 80-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 154. |
79-15 | M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1979). Automatic Digitization and Processing of Strong Motion Accelerograms, Part I: Automatic Digitization; Part II: Computer Processing of Accelerograms. Report No. 79-15, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. I-259, II-120. |
79-14 | V.W. Lee and M.D. Trifunac (1979). Time of Maximum Response of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Oscillator to Earthquake Excitation (2.2 Mb). Report No. 79-14, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 36. |
79-11 | V.W. Lee (1979). Investigation of Three Dimensional Soil-Structure Interaction. Report No. 79-11, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 236. |
79-06 | M. Dravinski and M.D. Trifunac (1979). Static, Dynamic and Rotational Components of Strong Shaking Near Faults (4.6 Mb). Report No. 79-06, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 124. |
79-05 | H.L. Wong (1979). Diffraction of P, SV and Rayleigh Waves by Surface Topographies (3.9 Mb). Report No. 79-05, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
79-02 | M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1979). Dependence of the Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectra of Strong Motion Acceleration on the Depth of Sedimentary Deposits(3.5 Mb). Report No. 79-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 67. |
79-01 | B.D. Westermo and M.D. Trifunac (1979). Correlations of the Frequency Dependent Duration of Strong Ground Motion with the Modified Mercalli Intensity and the Depth of Sediments at the Recording Site (2.6 Mb). Report No. 79-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 40. |
78-17 | P.C. Shah and F.E. Udwadia (1978). A Method for Estimation of Crustal Velocity Structure Including Relocation of Seismic Events using First P-Wave Arrival Times. Report No. 78-17, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 47. |
78-16 | V.W. Lee (1978). Displacements Near a Three-Dimensional Hemispherical Canyon Subjected to Incident Plane Waves (7.5 Mb). Report No. 78-16, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 126. |
78-15 | H.L. Wong and J.E. Luco (1978). Tables of Impedance Functions and Input Motions for Rectangular Foundations (6.6 Mb). Report No. 78-15, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
78-14 | M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1978). Dependence of the Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Strong Motion Acceleration on the Depth of Sedimentary Deposits (2.5 Mb). Report No. 78-14, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 39. |
78-12 | B.D. Westermo and M.D. Trifunac (1978). Correlations of the Frequency Dependent Duration of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion with the Magnitude, Epicentral Distance and the Depth of Sediments at the Recording Site (3.8 Mb). Report No. 78-12, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 63. |
78-11 | J.G. Anderson (1978). Program EQRISK: A Computer Program for Finding Uniform Risk Spectra of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion (5.4 Mb). Report No. 78-11, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. |
78-07 | H.L. Wong and M.D. Trifunac (1978). Synthesizing Realistic Strong Motion Accelerograms (10.0 Mb). Report No. 78-07, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 93. |
78-05 | M.D. Trifunac and J.C. Anderson (1978). Preliminary Models for Scaling Relative Velocity Spectra (4.0 Mb). Report No. 78-05, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 69. |
78-04 | M.D. Trifunac and J.C. Anderson (1978). Preliminary Empirical Models for Scaling Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectra (4.9 Mb). Report No. 78-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 87. |
78-01 | M.D. Trifunac and V.W. Lee (1978). Uniformly Processed Strong Earthquake Ground Accelerations in the Western United States of America for the Period from 1933 to 1971: Corrected Acceleration, Velocity and Displacement Curves. Report No. 78-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 220. |
77-04 | M.D. Trifunac (1977). Uniformly Processed Strong Earthquake Ground Accelerations in the Western United States of America for the Period from 1933 to 1971: Pseudo Relative Velocity Spectra and Processing Noise. Report No. 77-04, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 219. |
77-03 | M.D. Trifuanc and J.G. Anderson (1977). Preliminary Empirical Models for Scaling Absolute Acceleration Spectra (9.1 Mb). Report No. 77-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 141. |
77-02 | J.G. Anderson and M.D. Trifunac (1977). On Uniform Risk Functionals Which Describe Strong Earthquake Ground Motion: Definition, Numerical Estimation, and an Application to the Fourier Amplitude of Acceleration (7.2 Mb). Report No. 77-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 100. |
77-01 | F.E. Udwadia and M.D. Trifunac (1977). A Note on the Calculation of the Fourier Amplitude Transforms (1.9 Mb). Report No. 77-01, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 30. |
76-03 | M.D. Trifunac and B. Westermo (1976). Correlations of Frequency Dependent Duration of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion with the Modified Mercalli Intensity and the Geologic Conditions at the Recording Stations (4.1 Mb). Report No. 76-03, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 64. |
76-02 | M.D. Trifunac and B. Westermo (1976). Dependence of the Duration of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion on Magnitude, Epicentral Distance, Geologic Conditions at the Recording Stations and Frequency of Motion (4.4 Mb). Report No. 76-02, Dept. of Civil Engrg., Univ. of Southern California. pp. 64. |